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Winston Lord, Mike Mansfield, and Hugh Scott, "Report on Mansfield- Scott Trip to China," May 12, 1972

by discussing the revolutionary ballet The White-Haired Girl. The senators asked ... Documents- US-China Topic:  Politics Tags:  US State Department Congress Custom ...

Richard Nixon, Press Conference on the Trip to China, February 10, 1972

to the details of the trip to Mainland China. This will not cover all the details, ... there are many experts in this field of China--whose books have been brought to my ... Cabinet. We had a discussion prior to the dinner on the subject of China ...

Joint Press Conference of President Clinton and Premier Zhu Rongji of the People's Republic of China, 1999

has been squarely addressing China's toughest economic challenges-- ... China's economic development, reform and opening up policy.  So, Mr. ... of China's economy and the prospect of economic development in China.  And what ...

U.S. Department of State, 2007 Human Rights in China, March 11, 2008

March 11, 2008 U.S. reports on human rights in China 2017  |  2016 ... 2010  |  2009  |  2008  |  2007 China (includes Tibet, Hong Kong, ... below.) The People's Republic of China (PRC) is an authoritarian state ...

Statements on the Obama-Hu Bilateral Meeting, April 1, 2009

community, he said. China welcomed the economic stimulus plans adopted ... crisis, China has launched massive economic stimulus plans, and similar ... Obama, "U.S./China Strategic and Economic Dialogue," July 2009 ...

U.S. Department of State, 2009 Human Rights in China, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010 U.S. reports on human rights in China 2017  |  2016 ... 2010  |  2009  |  2008  |  2007 Excerpt from Introduction | China | Tibet ... requests for U.S. foreign military and economic assistance, as well as to set ...

President Bush's Remarks at Chongmenwen Christian Church in Beijing, 1989 Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Human rights ... of identity and warmth. Today the relationship between China and the United ... each other on the athletic field and in the economic arena, but we ...

Qian Yingyi: Remarks at the 57th plenary meeting of G30

that China was so advanced a thousand years ago made economic historian David ... that will be useful for the discussions on the current economic issues concerning China ... April 26, 2007 Qian Yingyi, Dean of the School of Economics ...

David R. Stilwell, US-China Bilateral Relations: The Lessons of History, Dec. 12, 2019

for U.S. aid to science in China. And he agreed with the White House ... is “U.S.-China Bilateral Relations: The Lessons of History.” There is a well-known ... this principle to the history of America’s relations with China. This is a subject ...

China in U.S. National Security Strategy Reports, 1987-2017

representative ones.   The strategic dimensions of China's economic rise ... is eager to bring China into the global economic system, but by 2015 and 2017 ... with the People's Republic of China that will encompass both our economic ...
