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Journalistic Bias In Hong Kong Protest Reporting: Q&A With Stanley Rosen

December 5, 2019 Originally published by US-China Today on December ...   US-China Today spoke with Rosen, an expert in Chinese politics and media, ... Image:  Section:  US-China Today Topic:  Human rights Perceptions Politics ...

Q&A With Joe Chien On China’s Horror Movie Genre

September 10, 2018 Originally published by US-China Today ... helps prevent gratuitous or obscene content in films.  US-China Today ... Image:  Section:  US-China Today Custom Thumbnail:  ...

Q&A With Robert Cain, President of Pacific Bridge Pictures

September 9, 2016 Originally published on  US-China Today. Written ... that the industry faces, as well as its potential to expand, US-China Today spoke ... on the path of success. Thumbnail:  Featured Image:  Section:  US-China Today ...

Q&A With Melissa Ludtke, Co-Creator of "Touching Home in China"

October 20, 2015 Originally published on US-China Today on October ... US-China Today interviewed Ludtke to learn more about the origins of her ... Featured Image:  Section:  US-China Today Topic:  Culture Tags:  Women ...

Now You See Me: Changing Visibility for Transgender People in Mainland China

April 29, 2016 Originally published by US-China Today. Written ... community,” says Mr. C in an original interview with US-China Today. According ... Thumbnail:  Featured Image:  Section:  US-China Today Author:  Rebecca Cheng ...

Q&A With Philip Wang On Asian-American Media

November 7, 2018 Originally published by US-China Today on November 7, 2018. Written by Emma Cockerell. US-China Today spoke with Wong Fu ... Section:  US-China Today Topic:  Perceptions Custom Thumbnail:  ...

China's Cat Craze: How Felines are Leaving Their Paw Prints on China’s Economy

May 1, 2018 Originally published by US-China Today on May 1, 2018. Written by Catherine Wang and Serena Wang.  In Hong Kong’s bustling Kowloon ... Image:  Section:  US-China Today Topic:  Culture Custom Thumbnail:  ...

Korean Idol Culture Transplanted To Chinese Television: “Youth With You”

March 10, 2021 Originally published by US-China Today on March 10, 2021. Written by Elena Zhai.   “Yes, ok! Yes, ok! Yes, ok! Yes, ok!” ... Image:  Section:  US-China Today Topic:  Culture Custom Thumbnail:  ...

Pangolins And A Pandemic: The Evolving Chinese Wildlife Trade

August 18, 2021 Originally published on US-China Today on August 18, 2021. Written by Sarah Salisbury. Ask the average American what’s behind ... Thumbnail:  Featured Image:  Section:  US-China Today Topic:  Environment Custom ...

Audrey Tang: Taiwan’s Digital Minister On Harnessing Technology For Social Good

March 11, 2021 Originally published by US-China Today on March 11, ... the world. US-China Today sat down with Tang to speak about her identity ... Image:  Section:  US-China Today Topic:  Politics Custom Thumbnail:  ...
