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USCI Symposium Explores The Taiwan Vote

with the U.S. and with China and to foster economic development. Voters ... Affairs Council, Minister of Justice, and mayor of Taipei, was more able ... working on the mainland and two-way trade now totaling more than US ...

Similar nightmares, different dreams

February 17, 2022 If people don't attack us, we will not attack them, if they attack us, we will surely attack them, 1970 Poster from ... U.S. President Richard Nixon went to Beijing, meeting Chairman Mao Zedong ...

Talking Points, March 12- March 26, 2008

for cross-strait relations and for the U.S. Other upcoming USC events to note include ... issue of our student-driven web magazine, US-China Today. Others include the views of the leading U.S. presidential candidates toward China, ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: Impact Of Military And Dual-Use Technology Exports To China," January 17, 2002

the Panel will have a lot to contribute to the dialogue. Thank you. U.S ... Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Nonproliferation U.S. Export Enforcement Policy Mr. Michael Garcia, Assistant Secretary, Department ...

Nicholas Cull on the Range and Impact of Chinese Public Diplomacy Efforts

30, 2009 hearing of the US-China Economic and Security Review ... Activities that Target the United States and its Resulting Impacts on US ... the Ministry of Foreign Affairs opened an Information Department. Then, in 1989 ...

PRC State Council, “China's Policies on Asia-Pacific Security Cooperation (中国的亚太安全合作政策),” January 11, 2017

of the United Nations, and the widely recognized rules of fairness and justice ... China's Relations with Other Major Asia-Pacific Countries   1. China-US ... President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to the US at the invitation ...

Video: Conversation with Ambassador John Negroponte

Secretary of State, where he served as the State Department’s Chief Operating ... Society. He is also Co-chairman of the US-Philippines Society and a past ... Department’s Distinguished Service Medal on two separate occasions, the highest ...

Aynne Kokas Discusses Her Book "Hollywood Made in China"

of Virginia. Kokas’ research broadly examines Sino-US media and technology relations. ... altered the landscape of the US commercial media industry, most prominently ... and policy implications of digital media in the Sino-US relationship. Kokas has ...

Congressional Research Service, “China and the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues,” March 11, 2013

Summary Congress has long been concerned about whether U.S. policy advances ... include Pakistan and countries said by the State Department to have ... and issues related to the U.S. policy response since the mid-1990s. China has ...

Congressional Research Service, “Rare Earth Elements in National Defense: Background, Oversight Issues, and Options for Congress,” March 31, 2011

U.S. acquisition of rare earth elements that are used in various ... boron (NeFeB) permanent rare earth magnets). However, Molycorp, a U.S ... to it. Policymakers are concerned with the nearly total U.S. dependence ...
