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U.S. Deputy Asst. Secretary of State Patricia McNerney, “China’s Nonproliferation Practices,” May 20, 2008

the Six-Party process has brought us to the point where North Korea has agreed ... such example is the State Department’s Export Control and Related Border Security ... These events were sponsored by the Department of Energy’s International ...

China, the U.S. and a hungry world

the same figure every year since then. The U.S. Department of Agriculture ... distribution. U.S. shoppers are suffering sticker shock at the grocery store. Food ... and trade, with particular focus on China and the U.S. Food security has always ...

A Time of Uncertainty in US-Taiwan-China Relations

USC US-China Institute Yinglee Tseng, Managing Director, Grassroots ... of International Affairs, National Chengchi University “Love from the U.S.: How Should Taiwan Understand the Support of the U.S.? Speakers Charles Chen 陳以信 ...

Congressional Research Service, “North Korean Refugees in China and Human Rights Issues: International Response and U.S. Policy Options, “ September 26, 2007

The State Department estimates that 30,000-50,000 North Korean refugees ... in the formation of U.S. priorities towards North Korea. Congressional concern about ... Peninsula | U.S. Policy on China and North Korea | CDA and MFA Asian Affairs ...

Chinese and US Students Place Spotlight on Urban Development

government departments and informally engaged with local residents to explore ...

U.S. Dept. Of Defense, Military And Security Developments Involving The People's Republic Of China 2022, November 29, 2022

the international order. The Department of Defense (DoD) annual report on military ... the PRC presents the most consequential and systemic challenge to U.S ... in an attempt to erode U.S. and partner influence, such as highlighting the U.S ...

PRC State Council, Human Rights Record of the United States in 2016, March 3, 2017

schools. Civil rights data from the U.S. Department of Education from 2013 ... March 3, 2017 U.S. reports on human rights in China 2017  |  2016 ... the State Department of the United States released its country reports ...

The Chinese Legal System

the Chinese justice system. Mr. Cheng will share his experience working at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and discuss the state of the Chinese legal ...

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “Internet Freedom,” Jan. 21, 2010

up interactive maps to help us identify needs and target resources. ... or Hunan, the rest of us learn about it in real time – from real people. ... in prison, is with us today. So while it is clear that the spread ...

Wang Yang, Jacob Lew, Yang Jiechi, and John Kerry, “Press Statements at US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue,” June 7, 2016

Today we have the pleasure of having with us the four special representatives. First let us invite special representative of President Xi, Vice ... and achieve medium-term fiscal sustainability. The U.S. side has committed ...
