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Republic Of China (Taiwan), National Defense Report, 2013

in the security environment, so as to prevent war and preserve peace in the Taiwan ... the Taiwan Strait has become growingly relaxed. However, considering ... as the PRC’s refusal to renounce the use of military force against Taiwan, which ...

Video: Julia Strauss Compares Post-1949 China And Taiwan

Party in Taiwan sought to consolidate their authority and foster economic ... Image:  Section:  Multimedia News Topic:  Politics Tags:  Taiwan Custom ...

Chen, "School social dynamics as mediators of students' personal traits and family factors on the perpetration of school violence in Taiwan," 2008

this dissertation describes the perpetration of school violence in Taiwan. These are the first nationally representative studies on these issues in Taiwan ... the prevalence of school violence in Taiwan is high. The findings across all three ...

Chen, "School social dynamics as mediators of students' personal traits and family factors on the perpetration of school violence in Taiwan," 2008

violence in Taiwan. These are the first nationally representative studies on these issues in Taiwan. The first study of this dissertation focuses ... countries, the prevalence of school violence in Taiwan is high. The findings ...

Chen, "Acting otherwise: Institutionalization of Women's/Gender Studies in Taiwan's universities," 2004

of women's/gender studies in Taiwan. A microfoundational approach is employed ... in the evolution of this academic field in Taiwan. The field has emerged over ... of women's/gender studies in Taiwan. Advisor: Stromquist, Nelly P. Section:  Research ...

Lin, "Changing role of the household as an income equalizer: An empirical study of Kuznets' hypothesis on the case of Taiwan," 1994

analyzes the causes of rising income inequality in Taiwan since 1980. While ... Taiwan's rising household income inequality. Also, the causes of rising ... demographic explanation for the declining income inequality in Taiwan during ...

Office of Overseas Studies-- Undergraduate Overseas Studies in Taipei, Taiwan (National Chengchi University)

a comprehensive insight into the factors that influence life in modern Taiwan ...   To Apply: Section:  China programs Tags:  Taiwan Custom Thumbnail:  ...

Yeh, "Business political influence on agency regulatory decision making: The efficacy of corporate political activity in Taiwan's CATV license awarding," 2005

for the business & government relations in post-democratization Taiwan. Although ... by bidding in regulating Taiwan's cable TV industry? (2) What determines ... Tags:  Taiwan Custom Thumbnail:  ...

Lai, "Language learning strategy use and language proficiency for English as a foreign language (EFL) learners in Taiwan," 2005

Language (EFL) learners in Taiwan and looks for relationships between ... 418 freshmen at Tunghai University in Taiwan, using Oxford's (1990) ... Education Taiwan Custom Thumbnail:  ...

U.S. Department of State, 2008 Human Rights in Taiwan, Feb. 25, 2009

their reach." 2008 Human Rights Reports: Taiwan Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, ... Taiwan's population of 23 million is governed by a president and parliament ... generally maintained effective control of the security forces. Taiwan ...
