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Video: Syaru Shirley Lin Examines Sino-Taiwan Relations

November 1, 2016   About the Book China and Taiwan share one ... claimed to seek. In addition, Taiwan’s economic policy toward China has alternated between liberalization and restriction. Most recently, Taiwan ...

Video: David Zweig Speaks On The War For Chinese Talent In The United States

University in Taiwan. He is a chair professor emeritus at Hong Kong University ...

Watch presentations from "The China Card: Politics vs. Policy," USCI's 10th Anniversary Conference

campaign. She studied in Taiwan as an undergrad. As Assistant Secretary, she ... China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Naughton wrote the most widely used textbook ... Dialogue and is a senior policy adviser to the Office of Taiwan Affairs ...

观看 “中国牌:政治与政策”南加大美中学院十周年会议

and was an advisor to the 2012 Romney presidential campaign. She studied in Taiwan ... States, and economic interactions among China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. ... of Taiwan Affairs of the State Council.   Jeremie Waterman  is the Senior ...