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U.S. Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, Remarks in Taipei, Nov. 10, 1998

Councils November 10, 1998 Taipei, Taiwan (as Prepared for Delivery) Good ... I am delighted to be here in Taipei. This is my fourth trip to Taiwan ... business in Taiwan can explore strategies and opportunities to accomplish our ...

Heat and US-China Relations

speaker, made to Taiwan a year ago. China has been the biggest emitter ... The Coexistence of Taiwanese and Mandarin in Taiwan Image courtesy of Brookings  The Taiwanese language faces challenges in Taiwan, despite around 80% ...

U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Country Analysis Briefs: Taiwan,” August 2008

August 1, 2008 Taiwan does not have substantial domestic energy resources and must import the vast majority of its needs. Taiwan has ... dependence. Nearly half of total energy consumption in Taiwan is from oil (45 ...

Hundreds of thousands visit

342,307 people visit from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and other places outside ... a million people from Taiwan visited in 2006.   Source of visitors in 2006 ... U.K., Australia, Germany, Canada each between  0.8 – 0.5 Taiwan 0.4 ...

Election ’08 and the Challenge of China- USCI Documentary

issues in the relationship today: trade, Taiwan, human rights, ... and those of Bush’s predecessors have had limited impact. Taiwan and China’s Military Buildup: Part 4 of Election ’08 and the Challenge of China Taiwan ...

Congressional Research Service, “China-U.S. Relations in the 100th Congress: Issues and Implications for U.S. Policy,” February 10, 2009

pro-engagement government in Taiwan (March 2008); the massive Sichuan earthquake ... used to finance the federal budget deficit. Taiwan, over which China ... in the 110th Congress, exacerbated by the pro-independence Taiwan administration ...

Congressional Research Service Reports

Rise- July 9, 2014 Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales since 1990- June 13, 2014 ... 2014 U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues- April 22, 2014 ... Rise- December 17, 2013 Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales Since 1990- November ...

Strategy for Clean Air and Energy Cooperation between EPA and SEPA, 2004

Briefs: Taiwan | Country Analysis Briefs: China |  U.S.-China Energy Policy: ...

Carolyn Cartier, University of Southern California

Briefs: Taiwan | Country Analysis Briefs: China |  U.S.-China Energy Policy: ...

Statement of Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. to Senate Foreign Relations Committee, July 23, 2009

there are areas where we have differences, including Taiwan, human rights, Tibet, ... in the coming months and years.- 5- Having spent time living on Taiwan, I feel ... in a way that respects the wishes of the people in both Taiwan ...
