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Stanley Rosen on the 2012 Taiwan Election: Advertising

is a specialist on politics in the People's Republic of China, Chinese film, ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Fei Jiang

of Social Sciences, Beijing, China. He serves as Director at Department ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Kuo Huang

China International Publishing Group. She is the author of the book ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Marcella Szablewicz

on the politics of digital gaming in urban China. In July, she will join MIT’s ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Bingchun Meng

(2000) from Nanjing University, China. She obtained a PhD in Mass ...

Video: Panel Discussion Following the Screening of "Half the Sky"

February 14, 2013 China is one of the lenses WuDunn and Kristof use ... and discrimination in the workplace.  Yet the authors also use China to illustrate ... in China as journalists helped to solidify the urgent need to change ...

Bregtje van der Haak Discusses Her Film "DNA Dreams"

highly gifted children. China has been on the forefront of cloning research ...

The Asia Pacific in 2014- Rebalancing, Cross-strait Ties, and Regional Economic Integration

Vincent Wang looked at U.S./Taiwan/China ties, noting the American policy of strategic ambiguity on what it would do if China or Taiwan acted unilaterally ... Stanley Rosen examined China- Taiwan policies and collaboration in film ...

The Asia Pacific in 2014- Stanley Rosen

February 20, 2014 Prof. Rosen has taught political science at USC since 1979. He's headed the East Asian Studies Center and is a member of the US-China Institute's executive committee. His courses range from Chinese ...

The Asia Pacific in 2014- Vincent Wang

ties with China, regional associations and international organizations, ...
