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Gallicchio, The African American Encounter with Japan and China: Black Internationalism in Asia, 1895-1945, 2000

Policy | China's Foreign Policy and 'Soft Power' in South ... China and South Africa | Consolidating China-Africa Traditional Friendship ... January 1, 2002 For other articles and documents on China ...

U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld addresses Singapore conference: China's lack of transparency concerns neighbors, 2006

patrols to combat the ancient scourge of piracy on the high seas. This type ... traditional alliances and relationships. Consider that South Korea is no longer ... to reduce and adjust the U.S. military footprint in South Korea. So too our ...

Congressional Research Service, “U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues,” April 22, 2014

organizations, talks on maritime disputes in the East and South China Seas ... calls itself the sovereign Republic of China (ROC), tracing its political lineage to the ROC set up after the revolution in 1911 in China.  The ROC ...

Daniel Russel, Remarks at the Brookings Institution, Dec. 16, 2014

in the South China Sea require another decade? The sharpening of tensions over ... importance of communication between South Korea, China and Japan – as well ... of an Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea last year ...

Antony J. Blinken, The (Biden) Administration's Approach to the People's Republic of China, May 26, 2022

claims in the South China Sea, undermining peace and security, freedom ... aggressive and unlawful activities in the South and East China Seas.  Nearly ... in the South China Sea have no basis in international law.  We’ll support ...

PRC State Council White Paper, "China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change," October 2008

that the sea level in the coastal zones of China will continue to rise. Sea level ... October 1, 2008 Foreword I. Climate Change and China's Situation II. Impact of Climate Change on China III. Strategies and Objectives ...

James Steinberg, [Obama] Administration's Vision of the U.S.-China Relationship, September 24, 2009

China Sea and the PLA Navy’s activities. These discussions between us must ... of the People’s Republic of China, which, of course, is part of the reason you ... since the United States and China normalized relations under President ...

Zhenping, Ambassadors from the Islands of Immortals: China-Japan Relationships in the Han-Tang Period, 2005.

of Immortals: China-Japan Relationships in the Han-Tang Period. Honolulu: ... over the eastern sea, but this book is not about immortals; it is about ... by contentious powers in Japan and Korea seeking recognition from China. Chapter ...

Austin and Harris, Japan and Greater China: Political Economy and Military Power in the Asian Century, 2001

China: Political Economy and Military Power in the Asian Century. Honolulu: ... against terrorism in South and Southwest Asia, the dangers on the eastern ... Harris's Japan and Greater China: Political Economy and Military Power ...

Secretary Tillerson, Secretary Mnuchin, and Secretary Ross, Briefing on President Trump's Meetings with President Xi of China, April 7, 2017

to international norms in the East and South China Seas and to previous statements ... concerns about the impact of China’s industrial, agricultural, technology, ... the need for China to take concrete steps to level the playing field ...
