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China's Rise: Strengths, Weaknesses, International Role

or co-authored: Political Risk (Euromoney, 1982), Strategic Planning and Forecasting ...

Republic Of China (Taiwan), National Defense Report, 2013

  Part 2 General Plan of National Defense The ROC Armed Forces formulated the general plan of national defense in response to national security ...

Full interview: Frank Hsieh, 2007

to the long-delayed planned arms procurement package, but later failed to live up ... government this move and the plan to launch a referendum on such membership? ... should Taiwan have told the US about its plans first? Is the problem ...

Talking Points, November 12- 26, 2008

with a two-year $586 billion spending plan. The announcement came after ... next year. Many important details about the plan have not been revealed ... Others complain that the plan favors large infrastructural projects ...

Nimble thumbs-- text messaging boom in China

is Journalism student from Washington State University. She plans to write ...

Wen Jiabao, 2010 Report on the Work of the Government, March 5, 2010

comprehensively implemented and constantly improved the package plan for addressing ... implemented a plan to invest an additional 4 trillion yuan over two years. ... invested 654.5 billion yuan, 65.5% of the total planned investment, ...

Q&A With Kelly Sims Gallagher, US-China Climate Policy Expert

you mentioned that every president since Richard Nixon has had a plan ... that the Obama Administration’s Climate Action Plan was designed to fundamentally ...

Q&A with Lawrence Tan, Chinese Entrepreneur in America and Founder of

the frame of law and regulation. China has had a tradition of a planning ... in America who don't have access to familiar Asian brands. Do you plan ...

2017 Report to Congress On China’s WTO Compliance

A plan issued in 2015, known as Made in China 2025, is emblematic ... and substantial government financial and other support, the Made in China 2025 plan ... the plan seeks to replace foreign products with Chinese companies’ products ...

Chairman Brown and Cochairman Smith Statement on 2014 Annual Report, October 9, 2014

population planning policies The letter from Senator Brown and Representative ... commitments. Population Planning. The report notes that despite a slight modification in the country’s coercive population planning policy to allow ...
