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Selection from American Military History-The U.S. Army in Vietnam, 1989

defense plans. The South Vietnamese Army, with a strength of about 150,000, ... limitations. Long-term strategic planning tended to be sacrificed to short-term ... to remedy the deficiencies that were exposed and set in motion plans ...

Congressional Research Service, Made in China 2025: Issues for Congress, August 11, 2020

and pharmaceuticals). Made in China 2025 (MIC 2025) — a broad umbrella indust rial plan ... expertise to fill key technology gaps. The plan promotes diverse forms ... of sector- specific plans. Thumbnail:  Attachments:  ...

Teaching About Asia- May 2009

there are lesson plans to use in the classroom. I recommend this book along ...

PRC State Council White Paper, “China’s Efforts and Achievements in Promoting the Rule of Law,” Feb. 28, 2008

lessons from the "cultural revolution," made an important decision ... lessons from the "cultural revolution," has not only prescribed ... the transition from a planned economy to a market economy since the adoption ...

Republic Of China (Taiwan), Quadrennial Defense Review, 2009

in the MND's policy planning, and further solidifi es the concept of “civilian ... and force planning, thus consolidating the strategic planning system and ensuring that theROC Armed Forces' organization, plans, and capabilities ...

PRC State Council, China's National Defense In 2004, December 27, 2004

of an integrated development, enhances centralized leadership and overall planning ... of staff officers proficient in planning armed forces building and military operations, a contingent of scientists capable of planning and organizing ...

Congressional Research Service, “Pivot to the Pacific? The Obama Administration’s “Rebalancing” Toward Asia,” March 28, 2012

determine to what extent the Administration’s plans are implemented and how ... of a plan to expand the U.S. presence in the southwestern Pacific and make ... have also pledged that planned and future reductions in defense spending ...

Property Rights, Land Speculation, and Urban Sprawl: A Comparative Study of U.S. and China

planning in China can be regarded as an extension of the western urban planning modes to the east. China borrows a lot of experience in the field of urban planning from United States. Comparing the urban policies in both ...

Barry Naughton Speaks at the China Card Conference

groundbreaking book  Growing Out of the Plan: Chinese Economic Reform, 1978-1993  ...

Fan, Cindy

and the Household, New York, NY: Routledge, 2008; “China’s Eleventh Five-Year Plan ... and Anhui, China,” Environment and Planning A 38(5), 2006, 939-958; “Modeling ...
