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Official Proposal for the U.N. General Assembly to examine the exceptional international situation pertaining to the Republic of China on Taiwan August 8, 2001

its functions to include the respect for human rights, advocacy ... promoting world trade, eradicating poverty and advancing human rights, a fact ... committed to  upholding the international norms of human rights spearheaded ...

Kurt Campbell, Principles of U.S. Engagement in the Asia-Pacific, Jan. 21, 2010

with China on every issue, as evidenced by our discussions on human rights ... intrusions and the routine accessing of human rights activists’ e-mail accounts ... of Internet freedom as a central human rights issue. We need to recognize Asia’s ...

Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Armenia, September 28, 2004

and cooperation in the area of international human right and oppose double standard on the human rights issue and politicizing this issue. The two sides are committed to deepening mutual understanding through human rights consultation ...

U.S. Congressional–Executive Commission on China, "Annual Report 2005," October 11, 2005

in human rights conditions in China over the past year, and increased ... Constitution and laws, but also internationally recognized human rights standards. The Chinese government engaged the international human rights ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: Stability in China: Lessons from Tiananmen and Implications for the Untied States (Webcast)," May 15, 2014

and environmental degradation. According to Human Rights Watch, between 300 and 500 ... to businesses. From the human rights perspective, any crackdown on dissent ... Dr. Sophie Richardson, China Director, Human Rights Watch, Washington, ...

Constitution Of The People's Republic Of China, 1982

Rights and Duties of Citizens Chapter III: The Structure of the State ... peace and promote the cause of human progress. This Constitution affirms ... The state protects the lawful rights and interests of the minority ...

China’s Strategic Partnership with Africa: Significance, Challenges, and Implications for the United States

Such concepts as human rights, good governance, and accountability are entering ... to these problem regions have come under scrutiny from human rights advocacy groups ... to these countries have exacerbated the human rights and overall humanitarian situation ...

President Clinton and President Jiang Zemin 江泽民 News Conference in Beijing, 1998

in recent years has been over human rights questions. America recognizes ... and the resumption of a human rights dialogue between China and the United States. ... the painful moments in our own history when fundamental human rights were ...

U.S. Congressional–Executive Commission on China, "Annual Report 2008," October 31, 2008

the issues that are the charge of this Commission: individual human rights ... objectives. China’s record on human rights and the development of the rule ... to the effective implementation of basic human rights, and to the ability of all ...

H.Con.Res.53: Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding a private visit by President Lee Teng-hui of the Republic of China on Taiwan to the United States, 1995

by supporting democracy and human rights abroad; Whereas Taiwan is a model ... institutions, and human rights protections; Whereas vigorously contested elections ...
