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Pan, "A picture of human composition: An interpretation of Mencius' theory about human nature," 2005

Mencius' theory about human nature, one of the most famous issues in the study of the intellectual history of China, from the perspective of human ... in the notion of human being: human physicality, human mind, and human nature. ...

Wang, "Confrontation and compromise: The worlds of the supernatural and humans in Pu Song-Ling's 'Liaozhai Zhiyi,' " 2000

of humans stand confronted with each other, but get compromised in the end ... of a humane society featured by equality between beings. There are always ... of the highest order of harmony. Humanity achieves its full power in Liaozhai Zhiyi ...

Chen, "The death penalty in Japan and China: A comparative study," 2003

| The death penalty in Japan and China: A comparative study | Human Rights ...

Yuan, "The feminized city: Reading Wang Anyi's 'Ballad of Eternal Sorrow,' " 2002

rewrites human history through female memories, reconstructs human living ...

Wang, "Socioeconomic determinants of fertility in rural China," 1996

rights in reproductive decisions, family planning, and family structure ...

Chen, "Myths from afar: "Chinese Myths Cantata" by Chen Yi," 1997

goal is to communicate universal human feelings--the basis of all musical ...

Chan, "Qin---Three Songs About Nature for voice and percussion," 2008.

on stage right. The physical space becomes as important as the musical space ...