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Congressional Research Service, China’s Naval Modernization – Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities, August 1, 2018

enforcing China’s view that it has the right to regulate foreign military ...

PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China Takes Countermeasures Against Restrictive Measures on Chinese Media Agencies in the US, March 18, 2020

right to respond and take actions.   China hereby announces the following ...

Congressional Research Service, U.S.-China Strategic Competition in South and East China Seas, June 23, 2020 (update)

“might-makes-right” approach to international affairs; defending the principle ...

U.S. National Security Council, Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific, February 2018

and overflight, reciprocity in trade and investment, respect for individual rights ...

USC and China in the News, January and February 2012

in 1972: trade and human rights. The earlier talks focused on strategic ...

Celebrating art and upholding the value of the individual

but the feature of human diversity. Everyone deserves to live a life in dignity. ...

Three Questions Regarding Urbanization in China

an as yet vast pool of humanity that still resides in a China that once was. ...

East of Hollywood-- USC cinema students combine with Chinese student filmmakers in Beijing

was to “humanize all people in the world.” In the end, he and his Chinese filmmaking ...

East of Hollywood-- USC cinema students combine with Chinese student filmmakers in Beijing

was to “humanize all people in the world.” In the end, he and his Chinese filmmaking ...

May You Stay Forever Young

disappear- and do it all with a youthful glow. “Human beings have a universal ...
