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China in Democratic Party Platforms, 1968-2020

governments, from putting in place rules that protect the environment, food ... should stop government from protecting the environment, food safety ... across a broad range of issues, such as the environment and trade, while ...

U.S.- China Economic and Security Review Commission, "2008 Annual Report to Congress," November 20, 2008

Energy and Environment Policies and Activities   China’s economy, energy use, and environment are inextricably linked. China’s rapid economic ... in Hong Kong placed stress on the business environment before and during ...

Talking Points: June 3- 17, 2009

of Commerce audience in Shanghai, “ protecting the environment is a human rights ...

Talking Points: December 16- 30, 2009

ENVIRONMENT The leaders of the largest economies are largely agreed that climate ...

Evaluating the Impact of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

Environments & Ethic.   Click here to view Jeffrey Owens' presentation ...

The Rise of Homeowners’ Associations and Changing Neighborhood Governance in Urban China

environments for neighborhood governance Housing reform profoundly influenced ...

Talking Points, May 7- 18, 2011

attacks. Coverage of this story clearly shows how China’s media environment ...

Talking Points, September 5- September 14, 2011

allocated  to these programs. Environment Air pollution in China is so bad ...

2008-2009 USCI Graduate Summer Fieldwork Grants

Grant recipients return from abroad and report on their summer research. ...

David Zweig – China’s Energy Challenges: The Views of University Students

and the Environment | To Change the Mode of Development and Speed up the Restructuring ... Partnerships | US Treasury Secretary Paulson on Energy and the Environment ...
