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Morley Safer, 1931-2016-- Reported from China during the Cultural Revolution

of China’s Cultural Revolution in 1966. At the time, there were no Americans and few Westerners reporting from China. The first U.S. television network reporter to bring a sense of China at that time into American living rooms ...

USC And China In The News, November and December, 2019

faculty, staff and students and China. December 26, 2019: New York Times Greg Autry of the USC Marshall School of Business was quoted on the China trade ... Trump’s trade advisor and co-wrote with Navarro Death by China. December 4, ...

Joint Communiqué of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China, December 15, 1978

The United States of America and the People's Republic of China have ... of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China. Within ... of America and the People's Republic of China reaffirm the principles ...

China and Pakistan Exchange the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, January 4, 2006

between the People's Republic of China and the Islamic Republic ... and Salman Bashir, Pakistan's ambassador to China, signed the letter ... China and Pakistan was signed by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao with Pakistani ...

Joint Communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic Of China and the United States of America, 1979

The People's Republic of China and the United States of America have agreed ... of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China. Within ... Republic of China and the United States of America reaffirm the principles ...

U.S. Department of State, "Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, Volume E-13" Documents of China

XVII, China, 1969–1972, by publishing 175 documents, most of which ... contacts between the People’s Republic of China and the United States. ... historic opening to China, including accounts of meetings at the foreign ...

Video: Suisheng Zhao on The Dragon Roars Back, China's Foreign Policy

at China's strategies toward Great Powers and the country's immediate neighbors, looking at tensions in the South China Sea, covid-19 mask ... on China's foreign policy. He accounts for the shifts in the aims of leaders, ...

U.S. Department of State, 2011 Human Rights in China, May 24, 2012

May 24, 2012 U.S. reports on human rights in China 2017  |  2016  |  ... |  2009  |  2008  |  2007 Executive summaries on: China | Tibet | Hong Kong | Macau China The People’s Republic of China (PRC) ...

Joint Declaration of the People's Republic of China and the European Union on Non-proliferation and Arms Control, December 9, 2004

of China and the European Union welcome this Resolution which was unanimously ... and stability, which is in the interests of China and the EU as well as the entire ... cooperation within the framework of international law. 4.      China and the EU ...

Donald, Little Friends: Children's Film and Media Culture in China, 2005

Children's Film and Media Culture in China. Asia-Pacific-Perspectives Series.. ... with the paradoxes and contradictions inherent in trying to balance China ... of China's politics during the twentieth century (for others, a timeline might ...
