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Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Kuo Huang

China International Publishing Group. She is the author of the book ... was granted the Higher Degree Research Award for Contributions to Improving Faculty Research Climate by the Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University, ...

A U.S. company, its Chinese owners and Hong Kong

manufacturing company. The firm opened a $20 million research and development ... sales, training and service center. The firm specializes in small ... of China. AVIC is a giant firm. In 2021, U.S. Pres. Biden issued an executive ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Marcella Szablewicz

in East Asian Studies from Duke University. Marcella’s research focuses on the politics of digital gaming in urban China. In July, she will join MIT’s ...

USC Price and Shenzhen Sign Letter of Intent

of the Shenzhen (China) Municipal Committee signed a letter of intent on Sept. 4, ... the Price School has provided continuing education and civil service training ... ideas and to share our research and knowledge on critical issues involving ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Fei Jiang

of Social Sciences, Beijing, China. He serves as Director at Department ...

Klein on China: Then and Now

[that] served the then-modest trade between the colony and mainland China ... under construction, promised to service 35 million passengers a year. ... million has ambitions to become China’s major international financial ...

Deborah Brautigam Discusses Her Book "Will Africa Feed China?"

of the China Africa Research Initiative at Johns Hopkins University’s School ... March 23, 2016 About the Book Is China building a new empire ... huge tracts of prime African land to grow food to ship back to China. In  ...

Let's Talk About Smog: Censoring Environmental Issues in China

March 29, 2016 Originally published by US-China Today. Written ... Jason Ng, a Research Fellow at the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab ... Censorship Work? Censorship in China operates on different levels. ...

Daniel Lynch: Discussant of The Broad View

and is a member of USC’s US-China Institute Executive Committee. He is the author of Rising China and Asian Democratization: Socialization to “Global Culture” in the Political Transformations of Thailand, China, and Taiwan and After ...

The Eurasian Population and Family History Project: Reproduction and Mortality in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900

for Science in the Human Services Montgomery Ross Fisher Building Reception ... questions. The USC U.S. – China Institute invites members of the China faculty ... Huetwell Chair in History and Sociology and is research professor ...
