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President Bush Welcomes President Hu at the White House, 2006

In particular, mutually beneficial and win-win China-U.S. economic cooperation ... of intellectual property rights, and further expand China-U.S. economic cooperation ... and China are two nations divided by a vast ocean-- yet connected through ...

Hu Jintao and Barack Obama, Remarks on Their Meetings and Joint Statement, Nov. 17, 2009

the initiative of developing a China-U.S. clean energy research center. Both ... visit. Welcome to China. Just now I had very good talks with President ... this new backdrop, China and United States share extensive common interests ...

Fact Sheet: U.S.-China Cooperation on 21st Century Coal November 17, 2009

the new U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center, the two countries ... with the newly-established U.S. China Clean Energy Research Center, reflect the growing ... combined cycle (IGCC) power plant in China, utilizing American technology ...

Barack Obama and Hu Jintao, Remarks at the Start of State Visit, January 19, 2011

of the community of nations.  Indeed, China’s success has brought with it economic ... "U.S./China Strategic and Economic Dialogue," July 2009 | Statements ... of the People's Republic of China at Official Arrival Ceremony South Lawn 9:20 A.M. ...

President Bush Meets with President of China, 2003

countries benefit from trade. I congratulated China on its recent space ... Korean nuclear issue. We both agreed that the economic cooperation ... emerge in our economic exchanges and trade through dialogue. President Bush ...

Fact Sheet: U.S.-China Renewable Energy Partnership November 17, 2009

and China will collaborate in the research and development of advanced ... Energy Efficiency Action Plan | U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center ... the launch of a new U.S.-China Renewable Energy Partnership. Both Presidents ...

Fact Sheet: U.S.-China Shale Gas Resource Initiative November 17, 2009

Bringing this expertise to China will provide economic opportunities for both ... announced the launch of a new U.S.-China Shale Gas Resource Initiative. ... States to assess China’s shale gas potential and promote environmentally ...

Vice President Hu Jintao: Enhanced Mutual Understanding and Trust Towards a Constructive and Cooperative Relationship Between China and the United States, 2002

to the National Committee on US-China Relations, America-China Forum, Asia Society, ... US-China Business Council and US-China Policy Foundation for hosting ... the development of China-US relations. I salute all of you for your commendable ...

Fact Sheet: U.S.-China Electric Vehicles Initiative November 17, 2009

announced the launch of a U.S.-China Electric Vehicles Initiative. The two ... greenhouse gas emissions and promote economic growth. Activities under ... of this technology. • Joint technical roadmap. A U.S.-China task force will create ...

Statements on the Obama-Hu Bilateral Meeting, April 1, 2009

community, he said. China welcomed the economic stimulus plans adopted ... crisis, China has launched massive economic stimulus plans, and similar ... Obama, "U.S./China Strategic and Economic Dialogue," July 2009 ...
