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Tiananmen Square Document 6: IPAC Daily Intelligence Summary 10-87, China: Hu Yaobang Resigns, 1987

An advocate of both economic and political reforms, the summary notes that Hu’s ... Section:  Documents Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Human rights ...

Thorbjørn Jagland, Liu Xiaobo Nobel Peace Prize Award Presentation, December 10, 2010

and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China. The Norwegian Nobel ... is not present here today. He is in isolation in a prison in north-east China. Nor ... of December 1955 in Changchun in China’s Jilin province. He took a Bachelor’s ...

Looking at Protesting in China

and at foreign media coverage of China. Labor Manfred Elfstrom shared his research ... Republic of China guarantees "citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, ...

Liu Xiaobo, "I Have No Enemies: My Final Statement," December 23, 2009

by Human Rights in China] In the course of my life, for more than half ... and could no longer publish essays or give talks in China. Merely ... This is a tragedy, both for me personally and for a China that has already seen thirty ...

Tiananmen Square Document 19: Secretary of State's Morning Summary for June 6, 1989, China: Descent into Chaos, 1989 Section:  Documents Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Human ...

Tiananmen Square Document 26: Cable, SITREP No. 49, June 12, 0500 Local, 1989

harmful consequences for U.S.-China relations. To access the document, ... Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Human rights Politics Tags:  protest Custom Thumbnail:  ...

Tiananmen Square Document 12: Cable, SITREP 1, 1989

on the situation in China. This document, the first in this series of SITREPs, ... Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Human rights Tags:  US State Department protest Custom ...

Tiananmen Square Document 2: Cable, Government Arrests Student Demonstrators, 1985 Section:  Documents Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Human ...

Tiananmen Square Document 18: Cable, SITREP No. 35: June 6, 0500 Hours, 1989 Section:  Documents Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Human ...

Tiananmen Square Document 7: Memorandum of Conversation, George Bush Meeting with Wan Li, 1989 Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Human rights ...