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Video: David Zweig Speaks On The War For Chinese Talent In The United States

scholar of China’s effort to build its talent pool. He’s researched Chinese ... April 24, 2024 Prof. Zweig draws on decades of research to document China’s “over-the-top” effort to gain the help of immensely talented Chinese ...

Shen Ke 沈可: Young Shanghai Couples and Childbearing

April 13, 2015 Shen Ke 沈可 teaches demography at Fudan University. She earned a doctorate in economics at Peking University. Her research ... systems. “China’s Transitional Society” is among the courses she teaches. ...

USC And China in the News in 2020

China.” July 26, 2020: Bloomberg In an op-ed, Robert Kaplan cited research ... U.S.-China Institute was interviewed about the economic ramifications ... and China are. He said, “We have a political and economic climate that has ...

Video: Post-mortem on Taiwan’s 2020 Election

PRC Elites Debate Economics, Politics, and Foreign Policy,  Rising China ... China’s state news agency described Tsai’s election as “a temporary counter-current.” Xinhua blamed DPP cheating and said “anti-China political forces ...

2011-2012 USCI Graduate Summer Fieldwork Grants

global economic landscape, and what role they see for China as an actor ... Relations) “Assessing the Role of Foreign Policy Elites in China: Impact ... UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Book Title" /> China ...

Video: Panel Discussion on China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Action

China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Kazakhstan in 2013, but China ... in Southeast and Central Asia. The initiative has sought to bind China to its ... trade and investment. China’s leaders want to develop the country’s border ...

Watch the Presentations from the Caring for the Elderly Panel at the "China: Finding Solutions" Conference

Research Institute. Jiang has long been engaged in research on China ... and intergenerational exchanges of elders in rural China.    This video is also available ... of the founders of Chongqing China Railway Renzhi Senior Industry Co. ...

Huang Kwei-bo: Being flexible in dealing with China and the United States

黃 奎 博, head of  the Research and Planning Committee of Taiwan’s Ministry ... (Tony). a researcher with Taiwan’s National Youth Commission, an office ... was service as Secretary-General of the Chinese Political Science Association ...

Chinese American Film Festival 2012- Chen Xihe

and deputy director at Research Department of China Film Research Center ... selected five films that provided popular in China. At USC five AICCC ... solid, in-depth research and art works with Chinese characteristics ...

China’s Reluctant Usage of the WTO Dispute Settlement System

global economic recovery. In such an atmosphere, many speculated that China ... or economic level. My trip to China this summer aims to map out ... I presented the preliminary findings of my research to the economic section ...
