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Statement from the Taiwan Inter-Church Consultation 1985

of politics, culture and race. At this time when the church in China is beginning ...

John Kerry, Fifth Anniversary of Liu Xiaobo's Conviction, December 24, 2014

remains deeply concerned that China continues to incarcerate Liu Xiaobo ... long and non-violent advocacy for human rights and democracy in China. We reiterate our call on China to release Liu Xiaobo and to remove all ...

Gerald Ford, Letter to Family after Visiting Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan, September 3, 1953

President of Free China, and Madame Chang were expecting us for tea. ... of the Chinese Nationalist forces since they left the mainland of China several ...

Scott Busby, U.S. State Department, Defending Democracy through Media Literacy II, September 10, 2019

elections are just a few short months away, and China once again seeks to use ... in the democratic system itself. China has invested heavily to develop ever-more ...
