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PRC State Council, China's National Defense In 1998

for practicing economy, such as conducting checkups of warehouses to make better ...

2015 Report to Congress On China’s WTO Compliance

on a series of JCCT and S&ED commitments to foster a better IP environment ...

2014 Report to Congress On China’s WTO Compliance

and S&ED commitments to foster a better IP environment that will facilitate ...

2009 Human Rights Report: India March 11, 2010

This report is produced annually by the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. ...

2009 Human Rights Report: Thailand March 11, 2010

This report is produced annually by the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. ...

2007-2008 Faculty Research Grants

and training infrastructure within which they can better develop their policy ...

2008-2009 USCI Graduate Summer Fieldwork Grants

Grant recipients return from abroad and report on their summer research. ...

Remembering Ying Wu and Ming Qu

reason as they did:  because we dreamed of the better life through better ... by committing ourselves to building a better city and a better world, in which our ...

White Paper on China's National Defense in 2002

the Chinese military persists in taking the road of fewer but better troops ...

2009 Human Rights Report: Malaysia March 11, 2010

facilities. Siva recommended that the IDCs observe better health standards ...
