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New Research on the Nanjing Incident

for the better. This paper will attempt to clarify the current state of research ... these categories are arguably misleading. I believe that a better way would ...

Talking Points, December 17-31, 2008

better living conditions for most of its people and have help tie its ...

Talking Points: January 28- February 11, 2009

century Tibet.  02/10/2009: Better Ombudsmen for China: A Risk of Real ...

Talking Points, March 8- 21, 2012

for China to allow American firms greater access to its markets and to better ...

Sec. John Kerry, “Remarks at the National Center for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Luncheon,” Nov. 8, 2014

this race to the top, where all people do better, and any one of you ...

Deputy Asst. Secretary Michael H. Fuchs, Remarks at the Fourth Annual South China Sea Conference,” July 11, 2014

to reduce tensions and set relations on a better path. But first I’d like ...

Cook, Mao’s Little Red Book: A Global History (March 6, 2014)

from Chairman Mao, better known as the Little Red Book (LRB). To mark ...

Author interviews with USCI

make better decisions in business, finance and politics. He further ...

Wakabayashi, ed. The Nanking Atrocity, 1937-38- Complicating the Picture, 2007

"a grand vision of a better and radically different society" (p. ...

Talking Points: 2017 Passings and 2018 New Year Wishes, Dec. 30, 2017

working on U.S.-China ties, but became better known for her work ...
