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U.S. Dep. Sec. of State John Negroponte on U.S.-Asia Ties, September 17, 2008

and relations among its major powers have never been better. Nearly all ...

James Steinberg, [Obama] Administration's Vision of the U.S.-China Relationship, September 24, 2009

of the United States were better served not by trying to thwart China’s ambitions, ...

The Art of China Watching

are better informed about the situation in China's provinces than ...

Daniel R. Russel, “The Future of U.S.-China Relations,” June 25, 2014

spending and modernization. This will help countries better understand ...

China's Law on Regional National Autonomy, 1984

prevention and treatment of endemic diseases, provide better protection ...

Xinhua News Agency, "On the 'Memorandum' of the Dalai clique," November 21, 2008

issue'. To help the Dalai Lama better understand the central ...

PRC State Council, China's National Defense in 2010, March 31, 2011

and men; and provided better mental health services. It has fulfilled its ...

PRC State Council, “Diaoyu Dao 钓鱼岛, an Inherent Territory of China,” September 25, 2012

In the meantime, we will wait for a better time to engage in such activities ...

Overview of U.S. Policy Toward Taiwan, 2004

to one that emphasizes jointness and is better suited to the task ...

Chen Shui-bian, “Paving the Way for a Sustainable Taiwan: Presidential Inauguration Address,” May 20, 2004

stand firm yet persevere in our ongoing quest to become a better ...
