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PRC State Council White Paper, “China's Social Security and Its Policy,” September 2004

and provide better services for the insured; establish and improve a multi-level ...

PRC State Council, China’s Foreign Trade, December 2011

and institutional guarantees for the better realization of the goal ...

United Nations Charter 1945

be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life ...

2009 Human Rights Report: Democratic People's Republic of Korea March 11, 2010

and general living conditions were much better than in the rest of the country. ...

2009 Human Rights Report: Japan March 11, 2010

or guardians. To better ensure secure children's safety, municipal ...

Selection from American Military History-The U.S. Army in Vietnam, 1989

With the expansion of the advisory and support efforts came demands for better ... betterment. If successful, the program might destroy the insurgency ...

USC and China in the News, November and December 2012

will require investing so as to generate better paying jobs for the hundreds ...

Sec. John Kerry, Councilor Yang Jiechi, Senior U.S. State Department Official, “Remarks and a Briefing,” Oct. 18, 2014

First are comments made by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and PRC State Councilor Yang Jiechi prior to an informal meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. Subsequently a briefing for reporters was conducted via teleconference. It focused on the meeting. ...

PRC State Council, White Paper- Gender Equality and Development in China, September 22, 2015

of women' s federations is better established, it has been playing ...

PRC State Council, China’s Nuclear Emergency Preparedness, January 27, 2016

associated risks and challenges. For mankind to better utilize nuclear energy ...
