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Congressional Research Service, Understanding China’s Political System, May 10, 2012

Congress with a perspective on the contemporary political system of China ... of major economies. China’s Communist Party dominates state and society in China, is committed to maintaining a permanent monopoly on power, ...

USC and China in the News, May and June 2014

China-related news stories featuring University of Southern California faculty, students, staff, and programs. ...

Macri, Clash of Empires in South China: The Allied Nations' Proxy War with Japan, 1935-1941, 2012

China: The Allied Nations' Proxy War with Japan, 1935-1941.  Modern ... Clash of Empires in South China by Franco David Macri finds such a fresh ... nations, China, and the sometimes allied Soviet Union would present ...

Congressional Research Service, "China's Economic Conditions," December 11, 2009

and trade liberalization 30 years ago, China has been one of the world’s ... China’s rapid economic growth has sharply improved Chinese living standards ... and foreign investment flows have been major factors in China’s booming economy. ...

Rong Ying on China- India Relations

Fellow of the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS). He is one of China's top South Asia specialists and is frequently quoted in the press. ... Situation and China’s Foreign Affairs and India’s Rise and the China ...

Sun Zhe Speaks at the China Card Conference

and co-director of China Initiative at School of International and Public Affairs of Columbia University. He founded the Center for U.S.-China Relations ... American Studies in China: 1979-2006  (2007) and  Rise and Expansion: ...

Assignment: China- Follow the Money

September 30, 2015 English |  中文 Assignment: China  Homepage In many decades of western news coverage of China, 2012 was a watershed moment. ... Michael Forsythe publishing a sweeping expose of how relatives of China ...

Fact Sheet: U.S.-China Cooperation on 21st Century Coal November 17, 2009

the new U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center, the two countries ... combined cycle (IGCC) power plant in China, utilizing American technology developed in cooperation with the China Power Engineering and Consulting Group ...

Voices: China Ends One-Child Policy

November 3, 2015 In an effort to respond to China’s skewed gender ... is a collection of thoughts from social media following the announcement. China ends ... for themselves? China is developed enough that couples will choose fewer children ...

Video: Mike Chinoy on Assignment China: An Oral History of American Journalists in the People's Republic

April 13, 2023 American perceptions of and attitudes toward China have been profoundly shaped by media reports. In the USC U.S.-China Institute’s Assignment: China documentary series (USCI website | YouTube), we ...
