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报导中国(美国记者关于中国): 看中国 (Assignment: China- China Watching 中文字幕版)

February 24, 2014 English | 中文 报导中国(美国记者关于中国) 主页 China Watching ... 大多数报道中国的美国人是从香港的“监听站”得到消息.   本视频可在 南加大美中学院YouTube频道 观看 Assignment: China 系列的这个部分包括了一些驻扎在香港的中国观察员们的采访, 例如记者和外交官 (见列表). 我们了解到一位匈牙利耶稣教士和他的团队,情报机构,商人和移民扮演的重要角色. 此外,China ...

US-China 2nd Annual Sister Cities Conference "21st Century Perspectives on China"

Emeritus Professor of History, USC "Maritime China: Pasts, Presents, ... "Banking on China: Facets of a Big Future" George De Roza, Professor ... by California sister cities, highlighting their exchange activities with China ...

Franke and Loeken, Losers and Winners (film), 2007

iconography of China as a vast market, and therefore a land of opportunity ... by images of China as a challenging economic super-power, a dragon hungry ... to estimates, will double over the next decade.  China has also become one ...

The Game of Go: Ancient Applications and Contemporary Connotations 围棋游戏:古代应用及当代内涵

June 7, 2016 Originally published by US-China Today. Written ... of Asheville couldn’t seem farther removed from China. Yet in 2006, the American ... in existence, originating in China more than 2,500 years ago. Today, Go has spread ...

Gao, Zhou Enlai: The Last Perfect Revolutionary, A Biography, 2007

has attracted much scholarly attention, and it is a key issue in our ... in the politics of the People's Republic of China (PRC). He was a good-looking, ... Revolution was due to Mao's blessing. Vilified as "China ...

Heer, Mr.X and the Pacific: George F. Jenna and American Policy in East Asia, 2018

in policymaking on China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, at times including ... the discussion, especially of China and Vietnam, beyond the early Cold War, most ... acceptable because he considered China not strategically important enough ...

报导中国(美国记者关于中国):两个中国的故事 (Assignment: China- A Tale of Two Chinas 中文字幕版)

这期《解析中国之旅》聚焦1990年间的中国。天安门广场抗议之后持续不断的镇压让美国记者团不能采访、旅游或是翻越令人窒息的官僚障碍。记者及其消息人士面临持续的监视和骚扰。然而,随着经济的发展,记者们所处的政治气候开始好转,到了90年代末,中国已经进入美国记者口中的“黄金时代”。 ...

Xiao, Family Revolution- Marital Strife in Contemporary Chinese Literature and Visual Culture (February 12, 2014)

in postsocialist China. The book consists of an introduction, five main chapters ... of divorce in contemporary China respectively, followed by a short conclusion ... of divorce in modern China, dating from the May Fourth period to the socialist ...
