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Foreign Correspondents Club of China, Recent incidents of interference in reporting, September 15, 2015

The Foreign Correspondents' Club of China’s Media Freedom Committee has ... correspondents in China to inform us of any similar experiences they have had. ...   July 2015 Beijing British news outlet I was detained by security ...

Foreign Correspondents Club of China, “2008 Reporting Environment,” Summer 2008

media-friendly in the run-up to the Olympics.  On January 1, 2007 China introduced ... “Foreign journalists "can travel anywhere in China ... journalists who sought to cover politically sensitive issues still encountered ...

Zhang, Zhan

Journal Paper Co-editor of the special journal issue on China Media Studies ... November 3, 2014 Zhan ZHANG, China Media Observatory, Università ... Communication University of China, Beijing, 2006 B.A., (Broadcasting and TV ...

U.S.-China Bi-National Commission on Trust- Building and Enhancing Relations

components of trust-building • define the key issues in the US-China ... and avoiding conflict between the United States and China. This Commission considers how the United States and China can build mutual trust through ...

Well-Being of Caregivers to Older Adults in China

for caregiving in aging society. In China, the number of people aged 60 or above ... of the People’s Republic of China on Protection of the Rights and Interests ... penalization will take place (Bartlett, & Phillips, 1997; www.china ...

Pres. Lee Teng-hui, Cornell University Commencement Address, June 9, 1995

1979 (Friday 3PM, June 9, 1995) President, Republic of China (From ... of China on Taiwan. In fact, this invitation constitutes recognition ... of the Republic of China in 1988, I have sought to ascertain just what the people ...

Dai Bingguo, “Adhere to the Path of Peaceful Development,” Dec. 6, 2010

, Palestine-Israel conflict and the Darfur issue in Sudan. Second, China is active ... for China's Economic and Social Development adopted by the Fifth Plenary Session ... for China's development in the next five years. It is reiterated in the part ...

Peter Hays Gries- How Liberal & Nationalist Ideologies Shape Mutual Mis/Perceptions

J. & Ruth Newman Chair & Director of the Institute for US-China Issues at the University of Oklahoma. He is author of The Politics ... Foreign Affairs (forthcoming), China's New Nationalism: Pride, ...

U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld addresses Singapore conference: China's lack of transparency concerns neighbors, 2006

They are a partner in some security issues, and, on the whole our relationship ... of action of some of their neighboring countries. And consider China, also ... talented, and live in a nation with great potential.  China has a strong ...

Cairo Conference Communiqué, November 26, 1943

in North Africa. The following general statement was issued:   “The several ... and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China. Japan will also ... Section:  Documents- US-China Documents- Pre-1949 China Documents- ...
