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Merle Goldman, Boston University

March 27, 2007

Merle Goldman is Professor Emerita of History at Boston University and Research Associate of the John K.

Richard Louis Edmonds, University of Chicago

March 27, 2007

Edmonds was a discussant for the U.S.-China Institute conference panel on “Energy and Environment.”

Elizabeth Economy, Council on Foreign Relations

March 27, 2007

Elizabeth Economy spoke at the USC U.S.-China Institute conference on “The Future of U.S.-China Relations.” Her presentation was entitled “China's Global Environmental Challenge.”

Warren I. Cohen, University of Maryland

March 27, 2007

Cohen was a discussant for the opening panel on “State to State Relations in a Changing Economic Environment.”

Orville Schell, University of California, Berkeley

March 27, 2007

Schell was a discussant for the U.S.-China Institute conference panel on “Cultural and Intellectual Trends.”

Carolyn Cartier, University of Southern California

March 27, 2007

Cartier was a discussant for the U.S.-China Institute conference panel on “Energy and Environment.”

Stanley Rosen, University of Southern California

March 27, 2007

Rosen was a discussant for the U.S.-China Institute conference panel on “Cultural and Intellectual Trends.”

Suisheng Zhao, University of Denver

March 27, 2007

Suisheng was a discussant for the U.S.-China Institute conference panel on “Prospects for Political Reform.”

William Overholt, Harvard Kennedy School

March 27, 2007

William Overhot spoke at the USC U.S.-China Institute conference on “The Future of U.S.-China Relations.” His presentation was entitled "Myth and Reality in U.S.-China Relations."

Andrew Walder, Stanford University

March 27, 2007

Walder was a discussant for the U.S.-China Institute conference panel on “Disparity.”
