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William H. Overholt is a Senior Research Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School. He formerly held the Asia Policy Research Chair at RAND's Center for Asia Pacific Policy and was Director of the Center. He has long been an important analyst of Asia. Dr. Overholt is the author of the forthcoming America and Asia: The Coming Transformation of Asian Geopolitics (RAND, 2007), as well as The Rise of China (W.W. Norton, 1993), which won the Mainichi News/Asian Affairs Research Center Special Book Prize. He has also written or co-written, Political Risk (Euromoney, 1982), Strategic Planning and Forecasting, with William Ascher (John Wiley, 1983), and Asia's Nuclear Future (Westview Press, 1976). In 1976 he founded the semi-annual Global Assessment, with Zbigniew Brzezinski, and edited it until 1988.