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Hiroshima and Scenes Unseen

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Hiroshima and Scenes Unseen

Hiroshima Missing Scene Lesson Plan
Created by: Caroline Rhude

R Knowledge
R Comprehension
R Application
R Synthesis
£ Evaluation
Instructional Strategies

R Teacher Directed
£ Mastery Learning
£ Inquiry/Discovery
£ Paidea Seminar
£ Role Play
£ Glasser Circle
R Cooperative Group
Multiple Intelligences

R Visual
£ Kinesthetic
R Verbal
£ Logical
£ Rhythmic
£ Interpersonal
R Intrapersonal
£ Naturalist
State Framework Used

£ Performing Arts
R Reading/Lang. Arts
£ Mathematics
£ Science
£ His/Soc. Science

Lesson Plan Components
Lesson Rationale

My student learn best when they can utilize their talents as part of the Academy of Dramatic Arts and Music. As such, this unit will provide students an opportunity to dig deeper into a historical event and in the process, examine language. Students will create a comprehensive scene that connects themes of John Hersey’s Hiroshima with excerpts from various short stories. In reading through the various short stories, students are to examine the style and tone of each piece to assess author’s objectives and purpose. They will take thematic elements from each piece to weave into a scene not seen from Hersey’s Hiroshima.

California Curriculum Standards
ELA 3.2 Analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on life, using textual evidence to support the claim.

1.3 Writing Strategies Structure ideas and arguments in a sustained, persuasive, and sophisticated way and support them with precise and relevant examples

Personnel Needed

R Teacher
[font='Wingdings 2']£[/font] Librarian
[font='Wingdings 2']£[/font] Teacher-Aide
[font='Wingdings 2']£[/font] Computer Lab Assistant
[font='Wingdings 2']£[/font] Parent Volunteer(s)
[font='Wingdings 2']£[/font] Other

Lesson Objectives
Students will apply their understanding of narrative voice, point of view, and figurative language to create a narrative story outline Students will examine language for tone and theme Students will work in groups to access comprehension of figurative language and discuss necessary textual support for each selected passage
Materials Needed

[font=Symbol]· [/font]Copy of John Hersey’s Hiroshima
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Copy of Sue Park’s “When My Name Was Keoko”
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Nakane Mihôko’s “An Evacuated Schoolgirl

Anticipatory Set
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Warm up: Identify theme
[font=Symbol]· [/font]-In groups, students will find textual evidence that supports or identifies one theme from the student generated list.

Activity Sequence
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Anticipatory Set
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Next, in groups, students will create a theme web
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Then, theme webs will be place on the classroom walls where students will circulate to select one theme web to analyze.
[font=Symbol]· [/font]After selecting one theme web, students will analyze the way in which the theme is represented by selected text.
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Individually, students will create a thesis statement bases on their analysis.
[font='Courier New']o [/font]Day 1: Focus will be themes
[font='Courier New']o [/font]Day 2: Focus will be on language and tone
[font='Courier New']o [/font]Day 3: Focus will be on connecting themes with theme web
[font='Courier New']o [/font]This process will repeat for each text
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Day 4: Focus will on selecting a scene unseen in Hiroshima and writing an outline
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Students will write the scene unseen as it would fit in Hersey’s Hiroshima
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Students will present their work

Supplemental Activities
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Students will use the theme web and corresponding work to write a synthesis essay arguing if the Hiroshima bombing was a necessary tactic or an excess one.
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Additional texts will be used including but not limited to

Modifications for Special Needs Students
[font=Symbol]· [/font]Use sentence stems to help guide students in description writing.

Assessment and Evaluation

Students will provide a written script of the unseen scene and perform in groups
edited by crhude on 1/23/2016