Happy Lunar New Year from the USC US-China Institute!
Henry Kissinger and Mao Zedong "Memorandum of Conversation," November 12, 1973, 5:40-8:25pm
PARTICIPANTS: Chairman Mao Tse-tung (Mao Ze-dong)
Prime Minister Chou En-lai (Zhou En-lai)
Foreign Minister Chi Peng-fei
Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Hai-jung
Tang, Wen-sheng, Interpreter
Shen Jo-yen, Interpreter
Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State
Ambassador David Bruce, Chief U.S. Liaison Office
Winston Lord, Director of Planning and Coordination, Department of State
DATE AND TIME: Monday, November 12, 1973 - 5:40-8:25pm
PLACE: Chairman Mao's Residence, Peking
People's Republic of China
(There was informal conversation as Chairman Mao greeted the Secretary, Ambassador Bruce, and Mr. Lord in turn while the photographers took pictures. The Chairman said that he had not seen the Secretary in a long time and that he now had a higher position. The Secretary responded that the Chairman looked well, and the Chairman commented that he was fair. To Ambassador Bruce, the Chairman commented that he was advancing in age like him, but younger. Ambassador Bruce responded that he was not much younger. To Mr. Lord, the Chairman noted that he was very young.)
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