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Documents - Contemporary China

Acheson, Statement on China, 1949

August 5, 1949

Secretary of State Dean Acheson's view of China in August 1949.

Anson Burlingame, Speech in New York, June 23, 1868

December 13, 1901

Burlingame headed the Chinese government's delegation to the United States.

Xi Jinping, World Economic Forum, January 17, 2017

Xi Jinping, Chinese Communist Party General Secretary and State President, spoke at the Davos economic forum.

PRC State Council, China's Military Strategy in 2015, May 26, 2015

The Information Office of the State Council published China's first white paper on military strategy.

Xi Jinping, Report at 2017 19th Party Congress, October 18, 2017

Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Ch
