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Past Events

May 12, 2010 - 1:00pm
Los Angeles, California

The UCLA Department of Ethnomusicology presents a talk by Nancy Guy.

May 10, 2010 - 6:30pm
New York, California

Part of the Citi Series on Asia in America

May 7, 2010 - 6:45pm
New York, New York

Filmed in Central Tibet, Vajra Sky is a cinematic pilgrimage offering a direct experience of some of the most revered temples, monasteries, and festivals still surviving.

May 7, 2010 - 1:30pm

Join Liana Chen for a lecture about the Qianlong Reign

May 7, 2010 - 9:30am
Berkeley, California

Berkeley presents a conference to evaluate how China's recent transformation might have necessitated a parallel transformation of the multi-faceted ways in which we produce knowledge and represent understanding about China's past, present, and future.

May 6, 2010 - 6:00pm
Houston, Texas

The evening will include an onstage interview of the author by St. John Flynn, director of cultural programming at KUHF-FM and host of The Front Row.

May 6, 2010 - 5:00pm

UC Berkeley's Center for Chinese Studies presents a talk by Robert Gimello on the Cundī literature and iconography of 17th century southern China and the importance of esoteric Buddhism during the 16th–17th century.

May 6, 2010 - 4:00pm

The UCLA Center for Chinese Studies presents a lecture on the values and ethical issues that have long been central to Chinese culture.

May 6, 2010 - 3:00pm
Champaign, Illinois

Dr. Feng Xiaocai from Fudan University will speak at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies.

May 6, 2010 - 12:00pm
Los Angeles, California

Colloquium with Brian Bernards, Ph.D. candidate, Asian Languages and Cultures
