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Science and Technology

Forced Competition And Existential Comparisonism - A Conversation By Xiang Biao 项飙 (April 14th, 2023)

Join the discussion! In this conversation, participants are invited to share personal experiences and observations. Xiang will start the conversation by providing a brief history about examination in China.

The Origins of China's "Reform and Opening-up" and High-level Politics

The Woodrow Wilson Center presents as part of its Cold War International History Project a talk by Gang Han.

Symposium: Who Decides in China’s Rapid Urbanization? An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into the New Chinese City

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Carolina Asia Center presents a symposium on China's rapid urbanization.

Censored: Distraction and Diversion Inside China's Great Firewall

The University of Pennsylvania's Center for the Study of Contemporary China hosts Margaret Roberts for a discussion on how effective Chinese censorship can be, despite its sometimes easy workarounds.

Barnett-Oksenberg Lecture on Sino-American Relations

The National Committee on US-China Relations will host the Barnett-Oksenberg Lecture on Sino-American Relations in Shanghai. David M. Lampton will deliver the keynote address to the audience on November 23.

Architectural Versus Improvisational Thinking: Hut/Tent-Building Practices of Tibetan Buddhist Nuns in Post-Mao China

University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies hosts a talk by Yasmin Ho on the implications of Buddhist monks' hut-building practices in the Post-Mao era.

China Going Global: The Rise of a New Player in International Economics and Politics

Philippe Le Corre, one of Europe's China experts, currently based in Washington D.C., will provide his views and introduce his newly published book, China's Offensive in Europe.

Paper Tigers, Hidden Dragons: Firms and the Political Economy of China's Technological Development

The USC U.S.-China Institute presents a talk by Douglas Fuller from Zhejiang University. Fuller's new book, "Paper Tigers, Hidden Dragons," provides an in-depth longitudinal study of China's information technology industry and policy over the last 15 years. 

The Dragon Roars Back – Mao, Deng and Xi Jinping and China’s evolving relations with the world - Zhao Suisheng 赵穗生, University of Denver

Join us for a book talk with Suisheng Zhao on how Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Xi Jinping each conceived and executed radically different approaches to China's relations with others.
