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Human rights

Brown Bag Lecture "Arguing for Justice in China: Public Opinion, Legal Controversy, and the Chinese Dream"

Joshua Rosenzweig, Ph.D. candidate in Chinese Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

No registration required.

Business, the Environment & Human Rights: The State of Play in China

Business & Human Rights Resource Center presents a public talk on business, environment and human rights in China.

Will the Hong Kong Model Survive?: An Assessment 20 Years After the Handover

The Congressional-Executive Commission on China announces a hearing examining the long-term prospects for human rights and basic freedoms in Hong Kong as well as challenges to preserving it’s promised “high degree of autonomy.” 

LRCCS Noon Lecture Series ~ Land and the Chinese Economy: The Politics of Economic Management

The University of Michigan's Center for Chinese Studies hosts a talk with Meg Rithmire over land management.

Uyghur Visions: Two Films by Mukaddas Mijit with Jenny Chio

Featuring filmmaker Dr. Mukaddas Mijit (via Zoom), in conversation with Professor Jenny Chio (East Asian Languages and Cultures/Anthropology). This is a part of the USC EASC's Race/Solidarity: Transpacific Conversations & Anthropology Colloquium Series.

Author Yu Jie Discusses the Life of Nobel Peace Laureate Liu Xiaobo

The Visual Artists Guild and the Monterey Park Bruggemeyer LIbrary jointly present a talk by Yu Jie to discuss his book, "A Light Through Darkness: A Biography of Liu Xiaobo."

China's Crisis of Success

The USC US-China Institute presents a talk by William Overholt on his new book, China's Crisis of Success.

ChinaFile Presents: The New Yorker on China

Join ChinaFile and five writers—Orville Schell, Peter Hessler, Evan Osnos, Zha Jianying, and Jiayang Fan—for a look back at their four decades of reporting on China for The New Yorker. The event will be moderated by David Remnick, Editor of The New Yorker.

China and International Relations Graduate Student Workshop

The University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Contemporary China will host a graduate research workshop on China and International Relations. Hyun-Binn Cho, a Ph.D. Candidate from the Political Science Department, will organize the event with the help of Brian C. Chao and Chris Liu.

China Onscreen Biennial: Three Sisters ( 三姊妹) US Premiere

Part of the UCLA Confucius Institute's inaugural China Onscreen Biennial (银幕中国双年展)project, master documentarist Wang Bing turns his camera to the most invisible among the Chinese population, three girls living in poverty.
