Happy Lunar New Year from the USC US-China Institute!
How Innovation Works in California and Shanghai
UCSD and Fudan University present a panel with Jin Li, David Michael, and Jim Wunderman discussing innovation in two of the world's most dynamic economies: California and Shanghai.
Getting China Right: Three Scenarios for the Future
Join ASNC and Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco as we host Arthur Kroeber, one of the world’s leading commentators on the Chinese economy, who will analyze three scenarios for the future and discuss whether China is more likely to evolve into a powerful Singapore-style economy, become an unstable but aggressive Russian-style state, or follow Japan into genteel decline. Andy Rothman, an Investment Strategist at Matthews Asia, will moderate the dialogue.
The 2009 Annual Reischauer Lectures
Dwight Perkins will speak about his experiences as the world's leading economist in Asia.
Making Sense of the Turmoil in Hong Kong
The USC U.S.-China Institute and the Asia Society Southern California present a talk with Robert Koepp, the Hong Kong Director of The Economist Corporate Network, about the implications of the latest developments in Hong Kong.
Domestic Political Institutions and Inward FDI in Developing Countries, 1980-2008
Princeton-Harvard China and the World Postdoctoral Fellow Boliang Zhu will be speaking at Harvard University.
South China Sea Dispute - What Happens Next?
National Press Club Panel Discusses the Economic, Security and Legal Considerations, Reviews Satellite Images
Brown Bag Lecture: "Hong Kong's Role in China's Modernization"
Alan Leong hosts a lecture and discussion on how Hong Kong has contributed to China's modernization process.
2010 Wilbur K. Woo Greater China Business Conference
UCLA Anderson School of Management presents the annual Wilbur K. Woo Greater China Business Conference that brings together today's business leaders, professionals, academics and students to discuss current business challenges and trends in Greater China.
Social Networks and The Development of Insurance Markets: Evidence from Randomized Experiments in China
University of California Berkeley presents Jing Cai.
Made in China 2025: Long Beach - Qingdao China Sister City Association Annual Fall Luncheon
The Long Beach - Qingdao China Sister City Association presents their 2018 Annual Fall Luncheon with speakers discussing Made in China 2025.
Featured Articles
We note the passing of many prominent individuals who played some role in U.S.-China affairs, whether in politics, economics or in helping people in one place understand the other.
Ying Zhu looks at new developments for Chinese and global streaming services.
David Zweig examines China's talent recruitment efforts, particularly towards those scientists and engineers who left China for further study. U.S. universities, labs and companies have long brought in talent from China. Are such people still welcome?