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China-Asia Growth Forum: Doing Business Across the Pacific

Asia Society will hold a forum on business between the U.S. and China in San Francisco.

Urban Growth and Sustainability: An Economist's Perspective

The University of Southern California presents a discussion by Matthew E. Kahn about his book "Urban Growth and Sustainability: An Economist's Perspective". Kahn is a Professor at the UCLA Institute of the Environment, the Department of Economics, and the Department of Public Policy. He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Before joining the UCLA faculty in January 2007, he taught at Columbia and the Fletcher School at Tufts University.

Fourth Annual N.T. Wang Distinguished Lecture

We are pleased to announce the Fourth Annual N.T. Wang Distinguished Lecture will be delivered by Qiren Zhou, Professor of Economics at the National School of Development of Peking University. Please mark your calendar. More details to follow.

Making Sense of the Turmoil in Hong Kong

The USC U.S.-China Institute and the Asia Society Southern California present a talk with Robert Koepp, the Hong Kong Director of The Economist Corporate Network, about the implications of the latest developments in Hong Kong.

Hiroshige’s City: From Edo to Tokyo

How does a city develop a distinct visual identity? This question became a major theme in Japanese art during the Edo period (1615–1868).

China and the New Internet World: The Eleventh Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC11)

CIRC is an interdisciplinary conference that brings together scholars, analysts, industry leaders, journalists and legal practitioners from around the world to examine the impact of the Internet on Chinese society, including its social, cultural, political and economic aspects, as well as how China is changing the Internet.

Urbanization in Between: Theorizing Urbanization in Rapidly Industrializing China

A talk presented by Dr. Andrew Kipnis of Australian National University, this paper examines the growth of one mid-sized Chinese city as a case in which intimate linkages between the rural/socialist past and the urban/capitalist present remain socially important.

Money and Toil in Inner Asia: Local To Transnational

Columbia University's Weatherhead East Asian Institute hosts a workshop on economics in Inner Asia.

Ten Years in the WTO: Has China Kept Its Promises?

The Congressional-Executive Commission announces a hearing assessing China's ten years in the World Trade Organization.

China and the Caucasus: New Partnerships and Regional Implications

The panel by the Columbia University Weatherhead East Asian Institute brings together a distinguished group of academics and political observers of the Caucasus to analyze China’s regional priorities and emerging strategy.
