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China’s Economic Achievements and Current Challenges

The Center for East Asian Studies at Stanford University presents a conference on economic achievements and challenges in China.

Sokwanlok Lecture: U.S.-China Symbiosis: A Conversation with Joe Tsai|

UC San Diego's 21st Century China Center hosts Joe Tsai, vice-chairman of the Alibaba Group, to talk about the changing relationship dynamics of the U.S. and China.

China's Economic Strategy in the Midst of the 'New Normal'

Zhang Xiaojing (张晓晶), director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Economics, gives a talk on China's new economic strategy.

China, Russia, and the World Symposium

The University of Indiana Russian & East European Institute will host a symposium addressing Chinese and Russian involvements in Central Asia, exploring the consequences of these involvements for the region and tracing the motivations that have shaped the nature of relations between the Central Asian states, Russia, and China, from the Cold War into the present.

East and West of Dunhuang: Music Carried on the Wind

UCLA Confucius Institute presents a performance celebrating the musical traditions from China, India, the Middle East, and Central Asia to celebrate the cultures of the Silk Road.

ChinaFile Presents: The New Yorker on China

Join ChinaFile and five writers—Orville Schell, Peter Hessler, Evan Osnos, Zha Jianying, and Jiayang Fan—for a look back at their four decades of reporting on China for The New Yorker. The event will be moderated by David Remnick, Editor of The New Yorker.

Junkyard Planet: A Lecture and Q&A with Adam Minter

Writer Adam Minter will visit USC to discuss his book Junkyard Planet: Travels in the Billion-Dollar Trash Trade, where he explores the export of America's recyclables and the massive profits that China and other rising nations earn from it.

2011 US-China Real Estate Summit: Continuing Prosperity

This is a great event for relationship building and networking. It will provide a channel to access governments of both U.S and China.

Teatime in Geordie-land: Consumption of Chinese Exports in Eighteenth Century Northeast England

Princeton University's East Asia Studies Program presents a talk by Jessica Hanser.

U.S. Policy Toward Trade Liberalization, Sino-American Economic Relations, and China's Road to "Reform and Opening," 1969-1976

The Wilson Center in Washington, DC will host a talk about trade between China and the US from 1969-1976.
