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China and the New Internet World: The Eleventh Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC11)

CIRC is an interdisciplinary conference that brings together scholars, analysts, industry leaders, journalists and legal practitioners from around the world to examine the impact of the Internet on Chinese society, including its social, cultural, political and economic aspects, as well as how China is changing the Internet.

Chinese Renminbi: Regional or Global Currency?

The University of California, Berkeley's Institute of East Asian Studies will host economics professor Barry Eichengreen to discuss the process and results of renminbi internationalization.

China and the Caucasus: New Partnerships and Regional Implications

The panel by the Columbia University Weatherhead East Asian Institute brings together a distinguished group of academics and political observers of the Caucasus to analyze China’s regional priorities and emerging strategy.

The China Syndrome: Local Labor Market Effects of Import Competition in the United States

The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University hosts David Autor who will speak on International Economics.

Webcast: Sovereignty and the Belt and Road Initiative

Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute and the USC Center for International Studies for webcast discussion with Professor Tom Narins from the University at Albany (SUNY Albany) on how the Belt and Road Initiative illustrates ways that sovereignty works that conventional international relations fail to account for. 

The Two Chinese Models of Development

The Stanford University Center for East Asian Studies presents a discussion of China's economy as a bi-phase growth trend

China's Growth and Sustainability Challenges: Global Implications

David Roland-Holst will speak on sustainability in China at the University of California, Berkeley.

The Elvera Kwang Siam Lim Memorial Lecture in Chinese Studies: Chinese Reforms in Historical and Comparative Perspective

UC Berkeley presents a talk by Prasenjit Duara on the last 30 years of reform in China.

Mao, Asia First and the Making of Modern American Conservatism, 2015

This review by Seth Offenbach was published by the History of Diplomacy discussion list in May, 2016 and is reprinted here via Creative Commons license.

Build, Dwell, Live

Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University hosts a talk with Michael Herzfeld, Qin Shao, and Lisa Mitchell
