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U.S. Department of State, International Religious Freedom Report 2014 – China

January 1, 2015

The U.S. Congress mandates that the State Department prepare an annual report on religious freedom around the world.

Living and learning in a new culture

December 16, 2014

While pursuing studies relevant to their majors, three undergraduates will improve their foreign language skills.

KUSC covers Schoenfeld String Competition in China

December 16, 2014

Gail Eichenthal reports on the annual Alice & Eleonore Schoenfeld event for gifted musicians.

USC Price international projects venture to new shores

December 16, 2014

Master’s students travel to Ireland and China for projects on planning and cross-border cooperation.

These athletes row to the beat of a different drum

December 16, 2014

USC Viterbi students compete in a traditional Chinese sport testing their timing and teamwork.

USC Price PhD student named emerging scholar in public affairs

December 16, 2014

The award recognizes Weijie Wang’s research of neighborhood governance.

Harry Harding, George Washington University

December 3, 2014

Professor Harry Harding provided the keynote address at "History and China’s Foreign Relations: The Achievements and Contradictions of American Scholarship" Conference, Feb. 17, 2008 at USC.

Documenting the Global City 2006: "Unsung Hero" by BT Jackson and Yuan Ye

December 3, 2014

This is a short documentary on Los Angeles produced by one student from USC and one from the Communication University of China. The students were part of the first collaboration in summer 2006 to "Document the Global City." USC Cinema faculty Mark Harris and Marsha Kinder led this first group. This effort yielded a multi-year exchange that continues and is supported by the two schools, Mr. Stephen Lesser, and the USC U.S.-China Institute.

Council on Foreign Relations, "CFR Backgrounders: Democracy in Hong Kong," December 3, 2014

December 3, 2014

The Council on Foreign Relations published the backgrounder, "Democracy in Hong Kong", to explain the context behind Hong Kong's calls for democracy and how demonstrations, especially those similar to the ones in 2014, will affect relations with Beijing. The piece was written by Eleanor Albert.

Spring 2012 "East Asia since 1800" Seminar at UTLA

December 3, 2014

Professional development opportunity open to interested K-12 educators
