
Tibet, Its Land and People

The China Society of Southern California hosts a presentation that offers a snapshot of Tibet in transition.

Sacred Music Sacred Dance for World Healing

Robed in magnificent costumes and playing traditional Tibetan instruments, the Drepung Loseling monks will perform ancient temple music and dance i

Free Screening of "Tibet in Song" (2008, Tibet)

"Tibet in Song" (2008, Tibet) Directed by Ngawang Choephel

Infinite Light: A Photographic Meditation on Tibet

Infinite Light: A Photographic Meditation on Tibet  explores photojournalist Marissa Roth’s inner and outer journeys to this majestic land and he

Contestation and Adaptation: The Politics of National Identity in China

Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for a discussion with Professor Enze Han of the University of London on the way five major ethnic minority groups - Uyghurs, Chinese Koreans, Dai, Mongols, and Tibetans - in China negotiate their national identities with the Chinese nation-state.

To a Mountain in Tibet

Colin Thubron will talk about his book on Mount Kailas at the Asia Society in New York City.

Essential Tibetan Buddhism, And Its Context In Tibet And The World

Tibet House US presents Professor Robert Thurman, leading a short intensive course in two sets of three and four classes. In February he will be introducing the basic concepts and practices of the tradition called “Tibetan Buddhism,” offering a glimpse into the advanced arts and sciences of the tradition; in April, he will be focusing on a study of the present global expansion of the tradition.

The Dalai Lama and His People

The Tibet House in New York City presents an exhibition showcasing Don Farber's photographs of His Holiness the Dalai Lama across a 30-year span.
