
The Mystical Arts of Tibet

Tibetan Buddhist Monks from the Drepung Loseling Monastery return to the Crow Collection.

The Past in the Present: Role of History in Events in Tibet Today

The Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University presents a panel discussion with the Modern Tibetan Studies Program.

Kalon Tripa Dr. Lobsang Sangay, "Tibet--Prospects of a Dialogue"

Harvard University presents a discussion with Dr. Lobsang Sangay on the possibility of dialogue with the Chinese government to resolve the issue of Tibet peacefully.

Vanishing Beauty: Asian Jewelry and Ritual Objects from the Barbara and David Kipper Collection

Art Institute Chicago presents an exhibition of jewelry and ritual objects from nomadic and tribal cultures of Asia.

Tibetan Twilight

The Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art hosts its annual reception, which supports the Museum's on-going exhibits and public programs.

Mapping Old and New Geographies of Religion in China and Tibet

The Pacific Basin Institute presents a talk by Karl Ryavec on recent findings from field research and GIS databases on the geography of religion in Tibet and China.

A Billion Buddhas: The Awakened Cosmos of Himalayan Buddhism

The Asian Art Museum presents "A Billion Buddhas," a collection of five Tibetan paintings illuminating the countless roles that Buddhas play in Himalayan religious thought and practice.

Screening - Old Dog

Directed by native Tibetan novelist and filmmaker Pema Tseden, Old Dog centers on an aged shepherd on the Himalayan plains as he struggles to keep his Tibetan mastiff, an ancient breed desired by pet dealers and dog thieves.

Tragedy in Crimson: How the Dalai Lama Conquered the World but Lost the Battle with China

Author Tim Johnson will give a book talk at the University of Washington.
