
Bray, Technology and Gender: Fabrics of Power in Late Imperial China, 1997

January 1, 2000

Ann Waltner review the book for H-Asia, April 2000

The Cox Report and the US - China Arms Control Technical Exchange Program, 1999

September 1, 1999

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Perry Link, "How Important is Internet Satire in China?"

The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies hosts a talk with Perry Link on the importance of the internet in how the public affects the government.

Legends, Media and Stars: The Transmission of Chinese Popular Culture, 1820s-1920s

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies hosts a talk by Margaret Wan on transmission of Chinese popular culture in the Qing period.

A Brief Introduction to Digital Sinology

Jidong Yang gives a talk at Stanford University on the impact of technologies and standards in digitizing pre-modern Chinese texts on sinological research.

Chinese Computing and the Future of I.T.

21st Century China Center presents Tom Mullaney and Scott Klemmer on what Chinese telegraphs, typewriters and computers tells us about the relationships between language, coding and the richer ways we communicate and solve problems in the 21st century.

Networked China: How the Internet and Social Media Are Transforming China

On the occasion of the publication of Now I Know Who My Comrades Are: Voices from the Internet Underground, join author Emily Parker, along with Andrew McLaughlin and Orville Schell, to discuss how the Internet and social media are transforming China.

Women and China, A Forum to Discuss How Women are Shaping the Rising Global Power

The China Institute presents a conference of outstanding women from both the US and China, speaking in four forums on technology, business, culture, and the role of top female CEO’s and business leaders.

China's High-Tech Surge: Investing in America and Innovation

The Asia Society and the Rhodium Group launch a report on Chinese high technology investment in the United States.

The Grill Conference: China Track

The Grill Conference is presenting a full China track for the first time for day one of the conference. 
