
Essential Tibetan Buddhism, And Its Context In Tibet And The World

Tibet House US presents Professor Robert Thurman, leading a short intensive course in two sets of three and four classes. In February he will be introducing the basic concepts and practices of the tradition called “Tibetan Buddhism,” offering a glimpse into the advanced arts and sciences of the tradition; in April, he will be focusing on a study of the present global expansion of the tradition.

The Discovery of the “Four Tones”: A Review of the Relationship between Buddhism and Chinese Literature

The East Asian Studies Program at Princeton University presents a talk with Dai Yan.

The Wenzhou Model of Chinese Buddhism

Master Nengxian, Abbot of Xianyan Buddhist Temple in Wenzhou will speak at UC Santa Barbara.

Asian Images Inside-Out: What Can We Learn From the Contents of East Asian Statues?

Discussion of East Asian Buddhist images and icons by Professor James Robson of Harvard University.

Mongolian Buddhism

This conference explores the philosophies, texts, arts, and practices of Mongolian Buddhism.

The Mongols and the Church of the East

UC Berkeley International Studies Institute hosts a talk by Joel Walker.

Buddhist Home Altars: Tradition, Memory, and Innovation

Dr. Iwamura discusses her research on altar practice among Japanese American Jodo Shin Buddhists and what it reveals about their spiritual orientation, institutional dynamics, and current challenges.

The Presence of the Past in Today`s China

Bowers Museum presents Session II of "Understanding China: Past & Present."

Wu, Leaving for the Rising Sun: Chinese Zen Master Yinyuan and the Authenticity Crisis in Early Modern East Asia, 2015

Jiang Wu's book was reviewed for the History of Asia discussion list by Stefania Travagnin and is reprinted here via Creative Commons license.

Good Confucians Behaving Badly: Thoughts on the Vulnerability of Integrity

The East Asian Studies Center at the Indiana University presents a talk with Michael Ing.
