
The Mongol-Yuan in Chinese History with Liu Yingsheng

USC hosts a talk given by Liu Yingsheng, chair of the National Society of Mongol-Yuan Studies.

Money and Toil in Inner Asia: Local To Transnational

Columbia University's Weatherhead East Asian Institute hosts a workshop on economics in Inner Asia.

The Mongols and the Church of the East

UC Berkeley International Studies Institute hosts a talk by Joel Walker.

The Mongol Way: Administration, Justice, and Law in Qing Mongolia

The Harvard Yenching Institute hosts a talk with Erdenchuluu Khohchahar on the legal system for Mongolia during the Qing era.

Mongolia Investment Forum

Asia Society presents a panel discussion on the changes in the foreign investment landscape in Mongolia.

Protecting Wisdom: Tibetan Book Covers from the MacLean Collection

The Crow Collection of Asian Art presents an exhibition of Tibetan book covers.

Mongol Visions: Winged Horses and Shamanic Skies

The Tibet House presents the work of some of Mongolia's greatest young artists.

Screening: An Eternal Lamb

Director Gao Feng visits USC to screen and discuss his film An Eternal Lamb, based on a collection of short stories by a Kazakh author.

Vanishing Beauty: Asian Jewelry and Ritual Objects from the Barbara and David Kipper Collection

Art Institute Chicago presents an exhibition of jewelry and ritual objects from nomadic and tribal cultures of Asia.

Inner Mongolia: Grassland, Desert, City, People

A public talk about the social and ecological issues in Inner Mongolia
