
Heartlands & Migrations Lecture Series: Pok-Chi Lau, “New Work”

Professor Pok-Chi Lau will discuss his work exploring the Chinese diaspora at the University of Kansas.

Robert B. Marks, "China’s Environmental History over the Very Long Term"

Drawing from his recently published book, China: Its Environment and History, Professor Marks will highlight what he sees as some of the major themes in China's very long environmental history, as well as some of the contentious issues in its understanding and interpretation. Presented by Harvard University's Fairbanks Center for Chinese Studies.

Columbia Business School's Greater China Society hosts 7th Annual China Business Conference

Themed "The Search for China's Next Growth Frontier," the event will embrace the profound business success across the U.S. and China

How Language Informs Society: Dialect Variation in Beijing

Ohio State University's Institute for Chinese Studies presents a talk by Hui Zhao on dialect variation in Beijing.

Last Train Home with Fan Lixin

Fan Lixin follows a migrant worker couple on their annual trek home to Sichuan Province where their children are being raised by family members. Director Q&A session will follow screeening.

Border Crossings: From Imperial to Popular Life

This exhibition explores the question of how the boundaries between social classes and identities are challenged and transcended.

Discovering a Musical Heartland: Wu Man's Return to China

The Huntington Library presents a discussion with Wu Man of her music and the life of a musician in remote areas of China, included a documentary film she created.

Performing Asia: South of Gold Mountain

Asia Society Texas hosts a performance by H.T. Chen & Dancers to celebrate the history of Chinese settlers of America prior to World War II.

The Rising Stakes of Refugee Issues in China

A roundtable discussion presented by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China

Visions of Humanity: 20th Century Chinese Paintings from the Jones Collection

This exhibition of approximately thirty paintings and a thirty-minute film featuring the collectors focuses on the work of post-Cultural Revolution artists of the 1980s, who survived that revolutionary period to thrive through the creation of new works that pushed the boundaries of art in China.
