
Digital Effects and the Ethics of Historical Representation: Chinese Responses to the Global Blockbuster Logic

A part of the China Colloquium Series, this talk outlines contemporary debates among Chinese film circles and shows how they are manifested in films, with special attention to Jia Zhangke's I Wish I Knew.

The Chinese Lubitsch Touch: Post-WWII Comedies of Disguise

Xinyu Dong will explore how Chinese Lubitsch films rivaled American films on their own ground and gained competitive edge in challenging the Hollywood domination of the post-war market.

Cine-East: "Boundary"

The Duke University Asia/Pacific Studies Institute will host a screening of "Boundary."

Film Screening: They Are Flying

Duke University screens "They Are Flying"

The Green, Green Grass of Home (Hou Hsiao-hsien; Taiwan, 1982)

Abstract: Also like Life: The Films of Hou Hsiao-hsien

Oxhide II

dGenerate Films presents a screening of Oxhide II.

From Anticorruption to Officialdom: The Transformation of Chinese Dynasty TV Drama

The Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University presents a talk entitled "From Anticorruption to Officialdom: The Transformation of Chinese Dynasty TV Drama" as a part of the Modern China Seminar.

From Our Eyes: Community Media and Visual Ethnography in China

This event showcases two recent documentary films produced through community media and participatory video training projects organized by From Our Eyes, a cultural heritage and media NGO based in Kunming, Yunnan Province. The film screenings, including a collaboratively produced short by art students and a Baiku Yao filmmaker and a feature-length documentary by first-time a Tibetan filmmaker from Sichuan Province, will be followed by discussion with two co-directors of From Our Eyes and an anthropologist researching rural media in ethnic minority China.

Dreams of Tibet

The University of Kentucky will screen Dreams of Tibet.

China Film Night: A Bite of China

A Bite of China is a 2012 Chinese documentary television series on the food, eating, and cooking in China.
