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Wallerstein, Alternatives: The United States Confronts the World. Fernand Braudel Center Series, 2004.

978-1-59451-066-3; $18.95 (paper), ISBN 978-1-59451-067-0. Reviewed by: Roger E. ... as other countries began to catch up economically and technologically. Now ... militarily in doing so, and thereby strengthen its political and economic ...

"Top Secret" Goes to China

professor Leroy Aarons,  Top Secret: The Battle for the Pentagon Papers ... of China that they have embraced this tour. That is the real story." ... freedom of the press to China, but I knew the Chinese would get ...

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates on security in Asia: America is more engaged than ever, 2007

meeting of the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue concluded last week ... the entire spectrum of economic, political and security relations.  Our ... with significant and long term political, economic and security interests.  Our ...

Hong Lei, China's Response to the Yeonpyeong Island Incident, November 25, 2010

to the White House, the US expects to have high-level communication with China ... is China's position? Second, how do you comment on the US-ROK joint military ... first question, paying great attention to the incident, China expresses ...

Assignment: China- End of an Era

March 17, 2014 English | 中文 Assignment: China Homepage "The ... trip to China and the fall of the Gang of Four in October 1976. While ... diplomatic relations meant that American reporters could not be based in China ...

China in U.S. Campaign Politics: Part 6 of Election ’08 and the Challenge of China

and the Challenge of China page. It’s a well-established tradition for candidates to criticize how the current president has dealt with China. These candidates complain that the president has been “too easy on” or “to close to” China ...

USC Price PhD student named emerging scholar in public affairs

recognizes the scholarly contribution of Wang’s research paper titled ... in China, but now he has developed a true passion for the subject. As an undergraduate at Wuhan University in Central China and a master’s student ...

Foreign Correspondents Club of China, Conditions for Foreign Media in China, April 4, 2016

April 4, 2016 The Foreign Correspondents Club of China has compiled ... publication L’Obs, who became the first foreign reporter expelled from China ... apparently because of displeasure at his network’s coverage of China in 2015. ...

Consolidating China-Africa Traditional Friendship and Deepening China-Africa All-round Cooperation, February 4, 2004

international economic and political order that is fair and equitable. China ... of China's Africa policy. As China grows stronger economically, we ... like to see China and Africa become closer partners in trade and economic ...

Cheng Earns Guggenheim Fellowship

Contemporary Time-based Art in China. "I am very pleased that Dr. Cheng’s ... and installation ("zhuangzhi yishu") in China’s post-Mao era. She also presented numerous papers on Chinese experimental art, traveling to Singapore, ...
