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Talking Points: January 7- 21, 2010

of expression.” China’s leaders see things differently. Mao’s economic policies were ... of China-related fellowships and grants, calls for papers, and important speeches ... Of Concepts and History: Critiques of the Economic in 1930s-1940s China UCLA ...

USC and China in the News, January and February 2011

10, 2011: China Economic Review In an op-ed, John Van Fleet of the USC ... and Research, was quoted in an article on how China’s economic strength ... with and suspicious of Chinese motives.”  January 12, 2011: China Economic Review John ...

Talking Points, November 14- 28, 2007

A documentary on the cultural and economic changes in China.   11/18/2007: ... 12:00PM- 1:30PM Andrew Ross considers how and why China's economic ... 02/10/2008: China on Paper: European and Chinese Works from the Late Sixteenth ...

John Kerry and Wang Yi, Remarks on North Korea, the South China Sea and other topics, February 23, 2016

are not developing on two tracks: one hand, we are seeing more of China-U.S. economic ... our countries. As I have said many times, the United States and China ... of Action on Iran’s nuclear program. And China took a leading role ...

USC and China in the News, July and August 2008

August 27, 2008 Click here for other "USC and China in the News" pages.    July 3, 2008, China Cultural Industries (中国文化产业网) Film students from the Communication University of China (CUC) and the University ...

President Clinton's Beijing University speech, 1998

Gift from China From the windows of the White House, where I live ... on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. In China, you have made extraordinary ... of Agriculture; the Chairman of our Council of Economic Advisors; Senator Sasser, ...

Teaching About Asia: February 2011

           This major USC US-China Institute conference examines the health and future of the Chinese economy and assesses China`s economic ties ... with colleagues. This spring the USC U.S.-China Institute is offering East Asia ...

Talking Points, November 21- December 5, 2007

China’s environment while fostering much needed economic development. ... 02/10/2008: China on Paper: European and Chinese Works from the Late Sixteenth ... In the first ten months of 2006, China exported $986 billion worth of goods ...

President Clinton's statement on the release of Harry Wu, 1995

the White House press secretary, Michael D. McCurry, issued a statement ... between the United States and China." Original source: http ... Conference on Human Rights in China | Clinton and Greenspan on China ...

Q&A with Xiaoyu Qin on "Iron Moon"

dilemma facing contemporary China in an age of economic prosperity. ... made not only the economic miracle for China, but also countless poems ... June 22, 2017 Originally published by US-China Today on June 22, ...
