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Ronald Reagan, Arms Sales to Taiwan, August 17, 1982

October 22, 2019 The White House Washington August 17, 1982 ... with the People's Republic of China in which we express United States policy toward ... and the continuity of China’s declared “fundamental policy” of seeking a peaceful ...

Macri, Clash of Empires in South China: The Allied Nations' Proxy War with Japan, 1935-1941, 2012

China: The Allied Nations' Proxy War with Japan, 1935-1941.  Modern ... Clash of Empires in South China by Franco David Macri finds such a fresh ... nations, China, and the sometimes allied Soviet Union would present ...

The Cox Report and the US- China Arms Control Technical Exchange Program, 1999

September 1, 1999 The Cox Report and the US- China Arms Control ... and Military / Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of China chaired ... and the China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP). These three US national ...

Peattie, Drea, and van de Ven, eds., The Battle for China: Essays on the Military History of the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945, 2010

eds.  The Battle for China: Essays on the Military History ... in this period, warfare drove much of what happened in the political, economic, social, and cultural spheres in China and Japan." They further ...

Cairo Conference Communiqué, November 26, 1943

and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China. Japan will also ... 399–404. The communiqué, was released to the press by the White House ... Section:  Documents- US-China Documents- Pre-1949 China Documents- ...

Goldstein, Meeting China Halfway: How to Defuse the Emerging US-China Rivalry (March 31, 2015)

Section:  Reviews- US-China Topic:  Economics Politics Security Tags:  Taiwan ... September 15, 2015 Lyle J. Goldstein.  Meeting China Halfway: How to Defuse the Emerging US-China Rivalry.  Washington, DC  Georgetown ...

John Kerry and Wang Yi, Remarks on North Korea, the South China Sea and other topics, February 23, 2016

are not developing on two tracks: one hand, we are seeing more of China-U.S. economic ... our countries. As I have said many times, the United States and China ... of Action on Iran’s nuclear program. And China took a leading role ...

The Atomic Bomb, Statement of the Government of the People's Republic of China, October 16, 1964

October 16, 1964 China Gets the Bomb, 1964 The Atomic Bomb, Statement of the Government of the People's Republic of China, October 16, 1964 China exploded an atomic bomb at 15:00 hours on October 16, ...

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates on security in Asia: America is more engaged than ever, 2007

meeting of the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue concluded last week ... the entire spectrum of economic, political and security relations.  Our ... with significant and long term political, economic and security interests.  Our ...

Hong Lei, China's Response to the Yeonpyeong Island Incident, November 25, 2010

to the White House, the US expects to have high-level communication with China ... is China's position? Second, how do you comment on the US-ROK joint military ... first question, paying great attention to the incident, China expresses ...
